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Hi ha moments en què les paraules no estan a l'altura dels esdeveniments. Avui ni tan sols han pogut aproximar-se a la sensació que em deixen ara, moments abans d'anar a dormir.

Avui ha estat un dia molt atrafegat: al matí he estat a la universitat, després hem anat (els estudiants de la classe internacional i uns companys que venen del regne unit per conèixer altres maneres de treballar) al Museum de Fundatie, on per primer cop he pogut gaudir de l'art -crec que madurar també passa per apreciar el que abans et deixava del tot indiferent, i fer que t'afecti, deixar que se't remogui, alguna cosa per dins- i he fet, ja per tercer cop, una visita guiada pel centre de Zwolle. Però m'ha agradat molt. Ara ja GAIREBÉ no em perdo, i em miro el meu voltant des d'una altra perspectiva. Hem sortit a Het vliegende paard altra vegada, i ens hi hem quedat a sopar i una estona més. Però quan tot semblava que tot ja anava prou bé, he arribat a casa... i quina sorpresa m'he endut en veure una carta molt especial, que ve des de molt lluny. No diré res més perquè no sé com expressar-ho amb paraules. Això sí: tingueu la certesa que avui ha estat certament un dia molt feliç per mi.

And since it looks like Google Translator can still keep improving (to put it nicely), I will try to translate today's text:

There are moments in which words fall short. Today they did not even manage to even hazily draw the feelings with which events leave me right now, moments before going to bed.

Today has been an absolutely hectic day: I have been to uni in the morning. Then, we (the international students, and a group of UK students who have come for a week to learn more about other ways of working in schools) have been to Museum de Fundatie, where, for the first time I have been able to enjoy art -I do think that to mature also means to appreciate what before used to leave you completely indifferent, and let it affect you, let it stir something inside oneself up- and I have done, now for the third time, a short guided visit around the Zwolle center. But I have come to enjoy it. Now I ALMOST do not get lost, and I can take a look around from a different perspective. We have gone out to Het vliegende paard again. We have had dinner there and we have stayed for a while longer. But when it looked like everything was going well, I have arrived home... and what a surprise have I received as soon as I have seen a very special letter which comes from several thousand miles away. I am not going to say anything else, because I don't know how to put how I feel into words. But be certain that today has certainly been an ecstatic day for me.

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