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Session 3.pdf



The first activity is done to model how to do a survey, as the pupils will have to do it themselves later on, as a means to obtain information on what their audience needs to improve their diets.
If the students competence in L2 is low, I strongly recommend adding images to it, and relating it to the pupils' daily lives. You can also make one or more pupils come forward to interview their peers, if you think it will work.
Once you finish, you can ask pupils what are their conclusions about the survey: does the class eat healthy food? What is not healthy? How can it improve? You can have them discuss it in pairs or small groups, to make the children interact more with each other, before sharing it with the whole class


At this point, the children have acquired the theoretical framework to work on their recipes. Now it's time to dig into the project. 

Objective of the lesson: To learn how to conduct a survey


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